Mr. Yuck

Someone had a bad day on the hill yesterday.
Cole had a magnificent 15-K complete game ON MY BIRTHDAY (Best. Gift. EVAR.), and as I followed the box score online yesterday, I hoped he'd maintain that momentum going into yesterday's game (and pull out a win for Shan and Mario, who were at the CBP yesterday afternoon). Unfortunately, he only went 5 1/3 innings and gave up four runs before getting the hook.
I know that young pitchers run hot and cold, but a little consistency couldn't hurt, please?
It's OK, baby, I still love you. Even if our love is a curse.
At 5:23 PM,
Eric (Extra P.) said…
I wish I could tell you it's your turn to cover Cole for Voodoo Sabermetrics, but I already shot off my mouth a couple weeks ago and told TG I'd cover Rocket whenever he signed with a team, so he's next. But soon... soon.
At 7:18 PM,
TheGoldfishCowboy said…
he kinda looks like Andrew Miller.
also, who does a guy gotta sleep with around here to get blogrolled :)
At 4:45 PM,
Unknown said…
he'll bounce back.
he is MUCH better looking than andrew miller...andrew miller is a tiger :O
At 8:02 PM,
furiousBall said…
howdy, i'm the bacon salt guy
At 12:04 PM,
Clare said…
Oops, furiousball, I'm sorry! I guess I heard about it from you and Pete at the same time.
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